Voting 2025

Please have your votes in before
Sunday April 27 at 11:59 pm.


Physicians and Surgeons

Vote Voted! Voting Alhalabi M Salem Dr
Vote Voted! Voting Aspen Medical Clinic
Vote Voted! Voting Aurora Medical Clinic
Vote Voted! Voting Dr Emilie Jean St Michel (Pediatrician)
Vote Voted! Voting Dr Paul Boutcher
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Theresa Shea
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Amy Johnson
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Bartell
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Colin Phillips
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Dallas Desrosiers
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Dan York
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Dubois
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Ejike Udamaga
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Erin Martin
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. G. Prigmore
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Heather Siemens
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Ingrid Cosio
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Kathleen O'Malley
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Leiski
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Lindsay Benoit
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Marquis
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Nelson
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Robin Johnson
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Sasha Riome York
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Sharla Olsen
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Steven Chang
Vote Voted! Voting Dr. Thwaites
Vote Voted! Voting Fraser Garnet Dr
Vote Voted! Voting Khan Iftkhar Dr
Vote Voted! Voting Kurz Christine Dr
Vote Voted! Voting Loose Brenton Dr
Vote Voted! Voting Revive Dr Slabbert
Vote Voted! Voting Skin PG ~ Dr. Pieter Slabbert
Vote Voted! Voting Two Rivers Medical Clinic
Vote Voted! Voting UHNBC Pain Clinic (Dr. Colin Phillips, Dr. Garry Palak)
Showing of entries.